The long predicted greater extremes of weather caused by climate change are well and truly upon us and our gardens are suffering. There’s no getting away from it; our climate and weather patterns are changing and fast. Our gardening practices need to catch up.
It’s no longer gardening as usual. Learning how to protect our gardens against the extremes of torrential rain, storms, heatwaves and drought and the goodness knows what else will be key. We need to learn which plants will be better suited to deal with such extremities in the first place and which techniques, practices and equipment can be put to use in our gardens, or future designs, to help provide a greater robustness over all.
Sally Morgan and Kim Stoddart’s Climate Change Garden book is a gardener’s guide to climate change. It’s a practical gardening book that shows you how to adapt and cope with the volatile weather extremes that lie ahead – storms, torrential rain, flooding and drought for example. There’s an in-depth look at how to adapt in the vegetable garden, what types of fruit to grow, how trees and wildlife can help in the battle against climate change and what changes may be necessary in the flower garden.
With the aim of building a more durable, robust, and productive garden beneath the shadow of climate change, you’ll learn how to:
- Adapt your plant selections, planting practices, and garden maintenance techniques for the new future
- Select vegetable and fruit varieties that are more adaptable to weather extremes and more capable of resisting pests and diseases
- Find ways to manage excess storm water runoff and minimize the heat island effect
- Foster wildlife and discover the importance of creating a safe haven for these creatures in a changing world
- Use season extenders like cold frames, tunnels, and row covers to protect edible plants from weather events
- Take measures to reduce your garden’s carbon footprint, including going no-dig, building a green roof, and composting
- Limit the risks from wind, frost, and snow by taking advantage of microclimates, planting wind breaks, and physically protecting plants
- Plant more of the right trees for your future climate to help cool your home, slow the movement of water, and hold soil in place
Sally Morgan says: “We are already seeing changes in our climate with warmer winters, earlier springs and more extreme weather events. It’s becoming increasingly unpredictable. Our gardens will have to be able to cope with all of this as well as the growing threat from new pests and diseases, so we need to change the way we garden. But we must not forget that our gardens are part of the answer too. They can help to mitigate extremes of temperature, reduce flooding and be a haven for wildlife. Our book will show you how.”
Kim Stoddart explains; “It’s as much about building resilience in the gardener, as much as it is the garden itself, by building confidence to get connected with these new (but actually old), pre-Victorian ways of growing. Working with the natural world, rather than trying to so meticulously control it is key, and this form of climate change savvy gardening is fun, productive and much lower-maintenance over.”
Yes, the uncertainty of the future we now face is intimidating. Yet, learning how to protect our precious outside space against extreme, rain, shine, wind, snow and the goodness knows what else ahead of us, will be key. As will knowing which plants are better placed to deal with such extremities in the first place, and which techniques, practices and equipment can be employed to an existing space, or future designs to help provide a greater nature-friendly robustness over all. All of this and much more besides are covered in this book, alongside lots of practical take-home advice and inspirational ideas to help you on your more resilient gardening way.
Kim and Sally (aka the climate change savvy gardeners)
Review from Good Read
We were thrilled to read this super review from Lee Petersen who really gets where we are coming from with this book, our desire to be honest about the environmental issues and how we can work to make our green spaces more resilient. Here is just a short extract: “Both author’s passion for gardening and environmental awareness is palpable on every page, making it an engaging and inspiring read. The blend of scientific knowledge and hands on advice empowers readers to make a positive impact in their own green spaces. What sets this book apart is its holistic approach, seamlessly connecting gardening practices with broader environmental issues. It not only educates on plant choices for the future and sustainable techniques. but also encourages a deeper understanding of our role in adapting to climate change”. Thank you Lee – its so lovely to know that we have resonated with you and we hope it helps you to create your own resilient space.
Reviews from Amazon
TG says: “Truly a well-written and well-researched book.Sally and Kim are inspiring. We do need to make changes now to everything we do in the garden. I recommend this book – a great read”
Susan D says: “I loved this book, which I read after meeting the inspirational author,
Sally Morgan. If only more people read this book, the world really could become a more environmentally friendly place. It has lots of practical information as well as new facts. The illustrations throughout are also inspirational”.
Rainbow says: “I love this book. This is not just a book it is a very useful guide in helping us gardening
with all the new challenges Climate Change is dealing us now. The book has well defined sections, for ease of reference. Also a big plus point is that the writers give their own and honest feedback on
situations the climate has handed them. If something has not gone to plan, they are frank about it and then detail the changes they have made to counter the situation. It is a must do book for anyone who cares about the new environment challenges we face and wants to garden with nature in mind”.